HP Win10IoT Add-on (Citrix Workspace App) VERSION : REVISION : A PASS : 1 DESCRIPTION : Citrix Workspace App is the easy-to-install client software that provides access to your Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops installations. With this software you can access applications, desktops and data easily and securely from your HP Thin Client. This package installs the CitrixWorkspaceApp-2212 on supported thin client models running the Win10 IoT. CONTENTS : CitrixWorkspaceApp-2212.exe - Install package that installs Citrix Receiver. CitrixWorkspaceApp-2212.txt - This file. KNOWN ISSUES: ENHANCEMENTS/FIXES: -Client App Management -Client App Management for Zoom plug-in [Technical Preview] -Auto-update version control -Force login prompt for Federated identity provider -Improved reconnect experience after connection lease file expiry -Enhancement to App Protection: Anti-DLL Injection [Technical Preview] -Support for default installation of App Protection -App Protection enhancement: Screen capture detection and notification -Desktop Viewer optimization -Citrix Enterprise Browser -https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-workspace-app-for-windows/about.html Note: - System may take 30-60 second to connect to virtual desktops IF customer's environment is under a closed corporate network without Internet connection. When applicable, add the following registry to workaround the issue: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Citrix\Dazzle DWORD SendPublicIp Value 1 Restart Citrix WSA. - CWA 2103 and later will no longer support WES7 E/P - Auto Update feature is disabled for HP Thin Clients - This release requires Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 14.16.27012.6 or later. Starting with Version 1904, Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable individual binaries are no longer packaged with the Citrix Workspace app installer - This release requires .NET Framework Version is 4.8.x or later. More details can be referred to Citrix online documentation at "https://docs.citrix.com/en-us/citrix-workspace-app-for-windows/2203-1-ltsr/system-requirements.html" - For HP systems with Win10 IoT, please follow instruction in the INSTALLATION section below to deploy the .Net Framework and VC++ before upgrading to Citrix Workspace App 2203.1 and later, when applicable SPACE REQUIREMENTS : This add-on requires uncompressed free space on the flash memory (Drive C:) and uncompressed free space in the temporary folder. These space requirements must be met in order to successfully deploy this add-on. 1) Space required on the flash memory for installation : 640 MB 2) Space required on the flash memory after installation : 500 MB (with NTFS Compression) 3) Space required in the temporary folder for installation : 575 MB 4) Space required for .NET 4.8.x and later is approximately 100MB 5) Space required for Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable 14.16.27012.6 or later is approximately 25MB Note: To ensure that the temporary folder always has the required amount of free space for installation, HP recommends that the %TEMP% and %TMP% variables be temporarily re-defined to a network share on the deployment server, and that the setup program be executed from the deployment server. Otherwise, the add-on may fail to deploy correctly. INSTALLATION: The install package, CitrixWorkspaceApp-2212.exe , contains only files for installing Citrix Workspace App. It does not execute some commands that are needed to complete the installation of the component. To successfully deploy this component to the client, the following steps need to be done. Prerequisites: The following steps are required if system does not meet before installing Citrix Workspace app. 1) Please download offline package for the .NET and VC++ and follow the steps below for manually installation those packages. Note that installing .Net will take about 7 minutes and requires a reboot. Installing VC++ takes about 2 minutes. 2) Download .NET package from https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet-framework 3) Run *-x86-x64-AllOS-ENU.exe to install OR *x86-x64-allos-enu.exe /q for silient install 4) Download VC++ package from https://support.microsoft.com/en-in/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads 5) Run vc_redist.x64.exe to install OR vc_redist.x64.exe /install /quiet for silient install on 64bit OS 6) Run vc_redist.x86.exe to install OR vc_redist.x86.exe /install /quiet for silient install on 32bit OS Install Citrix Workspace app: 1) The write filter must be disabled prior to execute the Citrix Workspace app program 2) Change the environment variables value for TEMP and TMP to c:\temp OR increase the HP Ramdisk (Z drive) to 575MB or greater for proper installation 3) Reboot (make sure c:\temp is available after step 2) 4) Run CitrixWorkspaceApp-2212.exe to install the Citrix WorkSpace app 5) After executing the program, the write filter must be re-enabled 6) A reboot must be executed after the changes are committed to the flash memory. Note: Install command for HPDM: "set TEMP=C:\temp & set TMP=C:\temp & CitrixWorkspaceApp-2212.exe /s" Copyright (c) 2022 HP Development Company, L.P.